World Party Thailand Statute
ระเบียบข้อบังคับ พรรคชาวโลก แห่งประเทศไทย

English draft: Version 01 (Last update: Feb 15, 2021)







ระเบียบข้อบังคับของ "พรรคชาวโลก แห่งประเทศไทย"






World Party Thailand

พรรคชาวโลก แห่งประเทศไทย











            We the people are the World Citizen.  We heartily hope world peace and human happiness and believe that our duty is to establish the democracy in the world.  Our basic policy is to establish the World Federation.  Here, the World Federation is a worldwide federation composed of independent countries.

           The World Federation that we aim to establish is concerned with only the limited aspects of society.  Namely, in principle, it is concerned with only the administration of military force, the issuance of currency, and other political and economic problems that individual country cannot solve for itself.  Other aspects of society such as religion, political and economic system like liberalism or communism, industry, agriculture, commerce, science, arts, sports, tradition, and so on are left free to each country.  So, each country may declare either the liberalism or the communism.  Politics and religion are divided in the World Party Thailand.  Religion is recognized as a private matter and so any religion is allowed in the World Party Thailand.

            While there is an organization that is called the World Party, the World Party and the World Party Thailand are, legally, mutually independent organizations.  While the World Party is a worldwide organization dedicated to the establishment of the World Federation, the World Party Thailand is in a customary agreement with the World Party that the World Party Thailand accomplishes the mission as a branch of the World Party.  Branches in other countries are in same agreement with the World Party.  So, the World Party can be called the international secretariat of the branches of the World Party.  But the World Party and the branch in each country are legally different organizations.  This was stipulated to avoid legal problems which may occur at the time of registration of each branch with the government office of each country.

            Basic policy of the World Party Thailand is same as that of the World Party.  Namely, basic policy is to establish the World Federation.  But, as stipulated in the World Party Statute, each branch can have its own policy.  So, the World Party Thailand has its own policies.



          Article 1  Name of Organization


            The name of this party shall be "World Party Thailand".


          Article 2  Office


            1. Main office of the World Party Thailand shall be located at United World Monument, 122 Moo 6, Tambon Nong Yai, Mueang Chan District, Si Sa Ket Province, 33120, Thailand.

            2. Besides the office in previous paragraph, sub office may be set up as the need arises.


          Article 3  Policy


            Basic policy of the World Party Thailand shall be to establish the World Federation, which should have two important characteristics: 1) no armies of each state of the World Federation; and 2) people of different states can move between states freely without having to provide any documents.


          Article 4  Undertakings


            World Party Thailand shall carry out following undertakings to achieve the object in the previous article.

          (1) Research and investigation on the political situation in the World and Thailand

          (2) Holding lecture meeting, lecture class, and symposium

          (3) Publication of party organ

          (4) Other undertakings necessary to achieve the object of this Party


          Article 5  Members


            1. World Party Thailand shall recognize a person who has promised to pay a fee of at least 100 baht to the Party’s fund whenever the Party is ready to register with the Election Commission of Thailand as a regular member regardless of age and sex.

            2. The party membership fee may be paid in advance for 4 years.  For the period paid in advance, the fee shall be neither repaid nor required additionally even if the fee has been changed.

            2. A member who did not promise to pay the membership fee as stipulated in Item 1. shall be recognized as a supporting member and shall not have the right of the regular member.  While the regular member shall have the right to speak and to vote in the World Party Thailand Convention and the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention and may become a Director of party, the supporting member may attend the Convention but shall have no right to speak and to vote and may not become a Director.


          Article 6  World Party Thailand Convention


            1. The World Party Thailand Convention shall be the supreme legislative organ of the World Party Thailand, and shall discuss and decide on the following issues.

          (1) Adoption and amendment of this Statute

          (2) Approval of settlement of accounts and budget bill

          (3) Report on the result of undertakings and approval of plan of undertakings

          (4) Election of the President and the Audit.

          (5) Admission of new members and dismissal of members inappropriate for party

          (6) Other issues recognized as necessary by the Convention

            2. The Convention shall be held once a year.

            3. The Convention shall be approved regardless of the number of attending members as far as the notice of the Convention had been issued by the President through the ordinary or electric mail or on the Internet at least 3 months before the date of opening and the venue is not difficult to access as compared with other venues.

            4. All matters in the Convention, except for matters stipulated in this Statute, shall be decided by more than half of members present, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the matter.


          Article 7  World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention


            1. The World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention shall be convoked when one of the following conditions is fulfilled and shall become the supreme legislative organ of the World Party Thailand.

          (1) When the President judged that the Extraordinary Convention is necessary.

          (2) When more than 30% of the members of the World Party Thailand required it.

          (3) When more than 30% of branches required it.

When one of the above conditions is fulfilled, the President shall hold the Convention within 1 month.

            2. The Convention shall be approved regardless of the number of attending members as far as the notice of holding the Convention had been issued by the President through the ordinary or electric mail or on the Internet at least 10 days before the date of opening and the venue is not difficult to access as compared with other venues.

            3. All matters in the Convention, except for matters stipulated in this Statute, shall be decided by more than half of members present, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the matter.


          Article 8  International Secretariat


            1. While the World Party and the World Party Thailand are legally independent organizations, the World Party Thailand, by customary agreement, shall recognize the World Party as the international secretariat.  Namely, it shall be recognized that the World Party Thailand shall be a branch of the World Party.  The agreement shall be made as a custom of party and any official document shall not be exchanged.

            2. The World Party Thailand shall pay 5% of its revenue to the World Party.  However when the President of World Party Thailand judged that it is meaningless to send money due to the small amount, the remittance shall not be necessary.


          Article 9  President


            The President shall be elected from among candidates in the World Party Thailand Convention.  The term of office of the President shall be 4 years, and the President may be elected for more than 1 term.


          Article 10  Directors


            The Directors are composed of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-General, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the Treasurer, and other Directors appointed by the President.  The President shall appoint and remove the Vice-President, the Secretary-General, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the Treasurer, and other Directors.  The maximum number of Directors shall be 10, and the President shall appoint the necessary number of Directors as the need arises.  Directors appointed by the President shall quit when the President quits.


          Article 11  Functions of the Directors


            1. The President shall represent the Party, convoke the World Party Thailand Convention, the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention, and the Board of Directors, and shall become the chairperson of the session.

            2. The Vice-President shall assist the President, and when the President cannot perform her or his functions due to some reason, shall deputize for the President.  When the President has resigned or passed away, the Vice-President shall become the President.  The term of office shall be remaining term of the former President.

            3. The Secretary-General, by command of the President, shall issue instructions to the Secretaries and shall carries out her or his functions.

            4. The Secretaries, by command of the Secretary-General, shall carry out their functions.

            5. The Public Relations Officer shall announce the official statement of the Party.

            6. The Treasurer shall deal with the income and expenditure of the Party.

            7. Other Directors appointed by the President shall, by command of the President, shall carry out their functions.


          Article 12  Board of Directors


            1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-General, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the Treasurer, and the Directors appointed by the President.  It shall be convoked by the President and shall decide the issues such as the venue and the date of the World Party Thailand Convention and the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention, the budget bill, and other necessary matters.  All matters shall be approved by the World Party Thailand Convention or the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention.  If necessary, the President may organize other boards or committees, and their members shall be appointed by the President.  In this case also, all matters shall be approved by the World Party Thailand Convention or the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention.

            2. The resolution shall be valid if more than half of the Directors are present.  Or, the resolution shall be valid regardless of the number of attending Directors as far as the notice of the Board of Directors had been issued by the President through the ordinary letter, or the electric mail, or the Internet at least 1 months before the date of opening and the venue is not difficult to access as compared with other venues.  The Auditors can attend the board but shall have no right to speak and vote.

            3. All matters in the Board shall be decided by more than half of Directors present, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the matter.


          Article 13  Auditor


            1. Two Auditors shall be elected by the election in the World Party Thailand Convention or the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention.  When there is no candidate for the Auditor, the President shall appoint the Auditors and must get the approval of the Convention.  The term of office shall be 4 years, and the Auditor may be elected for more than 1 term.

            2. The Auditor shall audit the accounts of the Party once a year.

            3. When the Auditor has resigned during her or his term of office, a person who was in the next rank in election shall be appointed the Auditor.  The term of office of the Auditor who takes office as a substitute shall be the remaining term of the previous Director.


          Article 14  Branch and Member


            1. Branch of World Party Thailand can be founded in each province.  New branch shall be, as far as there is no particular objection, authorized without condition by the World Party Thailand Convention.  New branch shall be refused or existing branch shall be dismissed when the Convention resolved that the branch is inappropriate for the World Party Thailand.  The headquarters of World Party Thailand shall have its members and the branches also shall have their members.  When there is no branch in a province, members of the province shall be registered as members of headquarters.

            2. Qualification of the member of headquarters shall be specified by this Statute, and the qualification of the member of each branch shall be specified by the statute of each branch.  New member of headquarters shall be, as far as there is no particular objection, authorized without condition by the Convention.  An applicant for joining the party shall be refused or current members shall be dismissed when the Convention resolved that they are inappropriate for the Party.  Each branch can accept new members and dismiss inappropriate members following the statute of the branch.  But, the Convention also can dismiss the members of each branch by its resolution.

            3. Members of the headquarters shall pay the party membership fee to the headquarters and members of each branch shall pay the party membership fee to the branch.  Each branch shall pay 5% of revenue of the branch to the headquarters as the party fee.  However when the branch judged that remittance is meaningless due to the small amount, the remittance shall not be necessary.  The amount of fee that the members of the headquarters and of the branch pay shall be decided by the Convention.


          Article 15  Impeachment


            1. In the World Party Thailand Convention and the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention, the President shall be removed if two-thirds or more of the members present resolved on the removal of the President.  When the President has been removed, new president shall be elected within 40 days.  In this case, process of election is commanded by the Vice-President.

            2. Directors other than the President also may be removed by the impeachment.  When Directors other than the President has been removed, the President may appoint new  and different Directors.


          Article 16  Vote of Member


            In the World Party Thailand Convention and the World Party Thailand Extraordinary Convention, each member shall have 1 vote. The vote may not be entrusted to other member.


          Article 17  Budget and Assets


            Sources of budget and assets shall be composed of the party membership fee and the donation.  Fiscal year is from 1st January to 31st December.  If a member quits the party or becomes a supporting member, she or he shall lose the right for the assets.


          Article 18  Delegation of Decision


            Matters not stipulated in this Statute shall be decided by the Board of Directors.


          Article 19  Enforcement


            This Statute shall be enforced right after receiving approval in a meeting of at least 10 members of World Party Thailand.


          Article 20  Relation with the Political Funds Control Law


            The President shall appoint, from members of World Party Thailand, each of the Treasurer and its substitute as specified in relevant Thai political laws.


Renewed on 15 February 2021

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