March 20, 1995                                 November 10, 1992


We, the people of planet Earth, in order to form a more perfect world based on a sustainable environment for the benefit of all generations of all nature and for the defense of civilization; establish and provide justice; insure tranquility; provide for peace; promote and enhance the dignity and mutual respect among humankind, government, and the environment; accept responsibility for our own free will actions; accept mutual responsibility for each other with all relationships being governed supremely by truth; and secure the blessings of life, liberty, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness to ourselves and our posterity, establish and accept this Constitution for the World.


The world government organization shall be a central sovereign Federation with five Regions that cooperate with all the Nation- States.

The Federation and each Region consist of Legislative (Congress: Business Committees in the Federation and each Region; and Houses of Congress - a Senate in the Federation, and a House of Representatives in each Region), Executive (President), and Judicial (Supreme Court, lesser courts, mediators) Powers.


     1. The Federation shall have the responsibility to protect

     nature.  All policies, including economic, shall provide for

     a sustainable environment.  Environmental crimes are crimes

     against humanity.  The responsible person or head of the

     responsible organization or corporation shall be accountable

     for environmental crimes.  The Congress of the Federation is

     responsible for establishing and enforcing acceptable


     2. Every non-food product shall be designed to have a

     greater longevity and reliability than the product type it

     is replacing and will be priced to include a rebate that at

     least doubly compensates for the environmental impact of its

     production process, material, use, service, and disposal. 

     The Congress of the Federation shall determine the method of

     this rebate.  Half the rebate shall be used by the product

     or service provider to improve the environment.  The other

     half shall be provided to developing countries for the

     preservation of their environment.  The rebate amount shall

     be displayed on the product with other ecologic information. 

     The Congress of the Federation in cooperation with the

     Regions shall allocate these funds and shall be responsible

     for establishing and enforcing acceptable policies.


     1. Maintaining a sustainable environment shall be an

     absolute limit to economic change.

     2. The Congress of the Federation shall provide for a        

     central World Bank and a bank in each Region where all

     deposits shall be secure, a world currency which shall be

     based on the price of gold, and for establishing and

     enforcing acceptable policies for dealing with

     counterfeiting the securities and coin of the Federation.

     3. The Congresses of the Federation and Regions shall have

     the power to levy and collect taxes, and to lend, borrow,

     and regulate money based on sound economic principles and to

     distribute Federation funds to Regions and Nation-States for

     attaining and maintaining the most equitable distribution of

     opportunity to all citizens in the most expeditious manner

     within the limits provided herein.  Annual monetary growth

     shall be determined by the population growth, the needs of

     the citizens, and the desired improvement in the standard of

     living that can be provided within sustainable environmental

     limits.  The public debt of the Federation and Regions,

     authorized by law shall be valid, except debt or obligation

     incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the

     Federation, Regions, or any Nation-State of the Federation

     shall be held illegal and void.  Money can be drawn from the

     treasury of the Federation or Regions only through

     appropriations made by law and documented, at least

     annually, with audited financial statements based on accrual

     accounting methods that include environmental depreciation. 

     The defense budget shall never exceed the medical or

     educational budget except during war. 

     4. The Congresses of the Federation and Regions shall be

     required to provide five year plans with mission statements

     and specified intermediate goals and monitoring procedures

     that balance the budget using accrual accounting methods. 

     The Federation budget shall consider long term important

     benefits as well as short term and urgent requirements.  To

     this end, at least one, three, and six percent of the annual

     budget shall be allocated to programs that provide returns

     greater than twenty-five, ten, and five years respectively. 

     5. The Congress of the Federation shall regulate Commerce.  

     All member Nation-States shall maintain free trade, free 

     flow of capital, and competitive access to energy and raw

     materials.  Relations between Nation-States shall be

     founded on respect and cooperation.   

     6. The Congresses of the Federation and Regions shall pro-

     vide the means and adequate autonomy to the capable local

     institutions to implement the desired policies and programs. 

     The Federation and Regions have the responsibility to

     monitor these programs and provide assistance when

     necessary.  All agencies and programs receiving funding from

     the Federation or Regions shall specify ethics policy, goals

     with milestones, responsible parties, and recommend

     procedures for periodic monitoring.  The Federation and

     Regions shall focus on results and have the option of

     establishing competition for Federation or Regionally funded

     agencies or programs.  Each agency, or program shall be

     required to have a periodic vote of confidence to continue. 

     7. The Congress of the Federation shall fix the standard of

     weights and measures using the metric system.     


     8. The Congresses of the Regions shall provide employment

     for any person who desires work and is unable to obtain

     employment.  All people receiving supplementary benefits

     shall participate in programs that shall guide them to

     independence.  Supplementary benefits shall be adequate to

     provide security, meet essential human needs and enable each

     person to exercise their legitimate rights with dignity. 

     All people have the right of equal access to public service. 


     9. The wealthiest five percent of the population cannot 

     accumulate in excess of twenty-five percent of the total

     wealth.  Each citizen shall be provided money in an interest

     bearing account at birth as a gift from the Federation.  The

     citizen can start using this money upon reaching the age of

     eighteen years.  When able, the Federation shall periodical-

     ly provide additional funds at different threshold ages in

     order to expand the opportunities for its citizens.

     10. The method of providing Social Security, Retirement, 

     Medical, Supplemental Benefits and other Social programs

     shall be the responsibility of the Nation-States.  The

     retirement age is expected to vary with the average

     longevity of the people in the Nation-State.  The Federation

     or Regions, however, may provide funds to the Nation-States

     for these programs based on need and meeting the

     requirements of the Federation.    

     11. Federation purchases for product or services require

     competitive bids based on verifiable data about costs and

     quality of performance.  A non-political body shall be

     responsible for Federation purchasing and careful monitoring

     of all contracts and safety.

     12. Government and Corporations shall cooperate to protect

     the environment, develop technology, increase efficiency,   

     decrease transaction costs, and enhance the ability of

     Corporations to meet their social, moral, environmental and

     economic responsibilities to the community, consumer,

     vendors, employees and shareholders.  The Congress of the   

     Federation shall provide statutory protection for

     Corporations and assure fair prices for consumers.

     13. An amount not less than ten percent of the shares or

     revenue of any Corporate public offering shall be provided

     to the Federation.  The Congress of the Federation shall be

     responsible for establishing and enforcing acceptable



     14. Campaign funds shall be provided by the respective

     Congress of the Federation or Region and shall be

     distributed equally to qualified candidates.  Prior to

     receiving the funds, the candidates shall be required to

     answer, in writing, up to five questions on relevant

     issues submitted by opposing candidates, who shall also, in

     writing, answer the same questions.  No funds shall be

     provided to organizations that discriminate.  The funds can

     only be used for the election process and any unused funds

     must be returned after the election.  The respective

     Congress shall be responsible for establishing and

     enforcing acceptable policies. 


     1. The power and ability to enact and enforce this

     Constitution is based on educated and informed people. 

     Everyone has the right to education.  Education shall be

     free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. 

     Elementary education shall be compulsory.  Technical and

     professional education shall be made generally available and

     higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the

     basis of merit.

     2. Education shall be directed to the full development of

     the human personality and to the strengthening of respect

     for human rights and fundamental freedoms.  It shall promote

     ecologic conservation and understanding, including under-

     standing the relationship between population size and

     carrying capacity of natural systems, as well as tolerance,

     and friendship among all nations, racial or religious

     groups, and shall further the activities of the Federation

     for the maintenance of a sustainable environment and peace.

     3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of

     education that shall be given to their children.  The family

     should be limited to a size that can provide the means for

     education and a loving and nurturing environment for each


     4. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the

     cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to

     share in scientific advancement and its benefits.  

     5. The Congress of the Federation, in cooperation with the

     Congresses of the Regions and designated agency of each of

     the member Nation-States shall provide, in the most

     expeditious manner possible the means, including electronic

     means, available to every person, to educate and inform them

     and shall make available all published material to all      

     humankind.  When literacy reaches at least seventy percent

     in a Nation-State a determination whether to limit popula-

     tion growth will be made. 

     6. Family counseling centers will be provided within one-

     half hour from the residence of participants.  Such services

     will be adopted to each country's cultural, religious, and

     social traditions. 


     1. All Federation and Regional proceedings shall be public

     unless they are related to the vital security of the

     Federation, Regions, or Nation-States.  The Federation

     President or the Senate shall have the power to order       

     secrecy for up to six months with a maximum of two renewals.

     2. All Federation and Regional programs or organizations

     shall have ethics policies approved prior to funding.

     3. The respective House of Congress shall establish ethics

     review boards to provide ethics guidelines, and to aid the

     implementation and monitoring of ethics programs.  Any

     person or organization may bring ethics issues to the board

     for a binding ruling.


     4. Any crimes against the Federation or Regions are crimes

     against the people.  Any indicted Federation or Regional

     employee shall be tried by a jury of opposite peers (the

     rich shall be tried by the poor, and vice versa) and if

     found guilty of violating the law: must return to the

     Federation or Regions what was taken; be punished at three

     times the normal punishment of the law; not be eligible for

     other employment by the Federation or Regions for ten years

     or for life if the crime is treason unless two-thirds of the

     respective House of Congress votes to remove this

     restriction.  Punishment is related solely to type and

     extent of the crime, with no other considerations.

     5. A Federation or Regional employee shall not work directly

     or indirectly for a corporation or organization that was    

     involved in any way with the employee until five years have

     elapsed since that involvement.

     6. Legislative, Executive, Judicial and government

     employee's decisions shall be made free of manipulation and

     coercion.  No capital, directly or indirectly, shall be used

     to influence any political agenda other than to provide

     accurate information which shall be made equally accessible

     to each legislative, executive, judicial and government

     employee as well as each citizen of the world.

     7. No Federation or Regional employee shall, without the 

     consent of the respective House of Congress, accept gifts,

     emoluments, or office of any kind whatsoever.


     1. All people are citizens of the world and everyone is

     entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth herein,

     without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,

     language, religion, political or other opinion, national or

     social origin, property, birth, or other status.  No one

     shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave

     trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.  Everyone has

     the right to life, liberty, equal opportunity and security

     of person.

     2. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a

     person before the law.  All are equal before the law and are

     entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of

     the law.  No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest,

     detention or exile.  Excessive bail shall not be required,

     nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual

     punishments inflicted.  Everyone is entitled in full        

     equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and

     impartial tribunal, in the determination of their rights and

     obligations and of any criminal charge against them.        

     Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be   

     presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a

     public trial at which they have had all the guarantees      

     necessary for their defence.  No one shall be held guilty of

     any penal offence on account of any act or omission which   

     did not constitute a penal offence at the time when it was

     committed.  Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the

     one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was

     committed.  No person shall be compelled in any penal case

     to be a witness against themselves.  Everyone has the right

     to an effective remedy by a competent tribunal for acts

     violating the fundamental rights granted herein. 

     3. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with

     their privacy, family, home, or correspondence, nor to

     attacks upon their honor and reputation.  Everyone has the

     right to the protection of the law against such interference

     or attacks.

     4. Indigenous people in any member Nation-State shall be

     guaranteed secure rights to their substantive base.

     5. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and

     residence within the borders of each state.  Everyone has

     the right to leave any country, including their own, and to

     return to their country.  Everyone has the right to seek and

     to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.  This

     right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions

     genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts

     contrary to the purposes and principles herein.

     6. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of their property.

     7. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience

     and religion; this right includes freedom to change their

     religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in

     community with others and in public or private, to manifest

     their religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and

     observance.  Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion

     and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions

     without interference and to seek, receive and impart

     information and ideas through any media and regardless of

     frontiers except that information must be true and

     accurate.  Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful    

     assembly and association.  No one may be compelled to belong

     to an association.  Citizens shall have a right and         

     responsibility to express their views, provide              

     recommendations, and criticize government.  The Federation  

     and Regions have the responsibility to encourage such       

     activity.  To this end, the respective Congress shall       

     provide readily available education that represent all      

     prominent views on major issues to the public at no charge  

     and shall provide mechanisms to receive feedback from the   


     8.  The will of the people shall be expressed in periodic

     fair, and genuine elections which shall be by universal and

     equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by

     equivalent free voting procedures.  All people eighteen

     years or older shall have the right to vote in all

     Federation and Regional elections and this shall not be

     denied or abridged, other than for treason or felonies, by

     the Federation or Regions.

     9. In the exercise of their rights and freedoms, everyone

     shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined

     by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition

     and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of

     meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and

     the general welfare in a democratic society.  These rights

     and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the

     purposes and principles herein.  The enumeration in this

     Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to

     deny or disparage others retained by the people.

     10. Nothing in this Constitution may be interpreted as

     implying for the Federation or any Region, Nation-State,

     group, or person any right to engage in any activity or to

     perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the

     rights and freedoms set forth herein.  The powers not

     delegated to the Federation or Regions by this Constitution,

     nor prohibited by it to the Nation-States, are reserved for

     the Nation-States respectively, or for the people.


     1. The Federation shall support an organization to serve as

     a forum for the genuine religions in the world, at their

     option, to discuss issues and make recommendations.


     1. The Congress of the Federation shall develop long and 

     short term overall technology policies that include goals,

     performance, safety considerations, reporting criteria,

     ethics, social and environmental impact, and methods of

     monitoring that address energy and social requirements as

     well as basic research and development and establish

     mechanisms for the technology coordination between

     Corporations and the Federation.  Particular safety and

     ethics standards shall be established for biotechnology

     research and products.  

     2. The Congress of the Federation shall be responsible for

     setting communication standards for the Federation, Regions,

     and between member Nation-States including worldwide

     allocation of the electromagnetic spectrum, postal service,

     telephone service, radio and television services, and data

     and video services and for providing recommendations to the

     Nation-States for communications standards.  The Congress of

     the Federation shall be responsible for establishing and

     maintaining equal access to public information. 

     3. The Congress of the Federation shall promote the progress

     of the sciences and arts by securing for everyone, for a

     limited time, the protection of the moral and material

     interests resulting from any scientific, literary or

     artistic production of which they are the author.


     1. The Congress of the Federation shall provide for the

     common defense; raise, support and call forth armed services

     to execute the laws of the Federation, suppress insurrec-

     tion and repel invasion; declare war, and provide for the

     security and general welfare of each member Nation-State.


     2. No mass destruction weapons shall be permitted when all 

     Nation-States are part of the Federation or when the

     Federation has adequate, enforceable, and verifiable

     agreement with non-Federation Nation-States that would

     eliminate all mass destruction weapons; then all mass

     destruction weapons and specific material used for mass

     destruction weapons shall be destroyed in the most

     expeditious and safe manner and all weapons shall be limited

     to single action devices.  All Regions and member Nation-

     States shall be limited in the amount and type of weapons

     such that no Region or group of Nation-States can threaten

     the Federation.  Forces of the Region or Nation-State shall

     only be used for defense, maintaining internal civil

     tranquility or providing social services as described

     herein.  In all cases, force shall be limited to reciprocity

     unless the existence of the Federation, Regions, or Nation-

     States is at risk.  The Congress of the Federation shall be

     responsible for establishing and enforcing acceptable


     3. The Congress of the Federation shall be responsible for

     establishing and enforcing acceptable policies that shall   

     limit commerce in weapons to single action devices.

     4. The President of the Federation or Regions or the

     respective House of Congress of the Federation or Regions

     can deploy defense personnel for civil and social service

     support; including, rapid deployment of goods and services

     necessary to maintain life.


     1. The Federation desires to include all Nation-States.  

     The only requirement for becoming a member of the Federation

     is that the member Nation-State shall abide by all the

     principles in this Constitution. 

     2. All debts between new member Nation-State and other

     Federation members shall be forgiven upon joining the       



     1. Nation-States shall be guaranteed, by the Federation, the

     option to achieve a democratic form of government, and to be

     protected against invasion and domestic violence. 

     2. Nation-States shall be guaranteed, by the Federation,

     defined boundaries.  To change boundaries shall require an

     affirmative vote of two-thirds of the population of the

     affected area and a majority of the population of the Region


     3. Nation-States shall have the right to maintain royalty

     only when it is consistent with the rights of individuals.

     4. Nation-States shall each determine the laws governing

     property consistent with the rights of individuals.

     5. Nation-States shall have the choice of electing

     Federation and Regional delegates through a popular vote,

     typically to be used by more advanced Nation-States, or

     through an electorate, typically to be used by developing


     6. Nation-States shall recognize one another's acts,

     contracts, wills and civil judgements and the Congress of   

     the Federation may by general laws prescribe the manner in  

     which such acts, contracts, wills and civil judgements shall

     be proved, and the effect thereof.  A person charged in any

     Nation-State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall

     flee from justice, and be found in another Nation-State,    

     shall, on demand of the executive authority of the Nation-

     State from which they fled, be delivered to the Nation-State

     having jurisdiction of the crime.

     7. Nation-States shall have the right and responsibility

     to experiment with new political ideas.  Any new system

     shall not violate basic rights.


     1. No Nation-State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, 

     or confederation, or opt out of the Federation.

     2. No Nation-State shall seize property from another Nation


     3. No Nation-State shall coin money other than coin of face

     value at the time of coinage. 

     4. No Nation-State shall pass any law impairing the

     obligation of contracts.

     5. No Nation-State shall lay any tariffs but may provide for

     inspection of goods entering that Nation-State.


     6. No Nation-State shall keep ships or aircraft of war, or

     any weapons of mass destruction, unless actually invaded,

     or in such imminent danger as shall not admit of delay.

     7. No Nation-State shall decrease current natural reserves.


     1. No titles of nobility shall be granted.

     2. Nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to 

     prejudice any claims of the Federation or any particular



     1. The dignity of the individual shall always be a primary  

     consideration of the Federation and Regions. 

     2. During periodic elections, but at least annually, the    

     people will be required to vote separately for or against

     the current Federation and applicable Regional government. 

     If there is a no confidence vote by the majority of those

     voting than the entire Federation or applicable Regional

     government receiving this no confidence majority vote will

     be required to have elections within a three month period

     for all members of the respective Federal or Regional

     government except newly elected members.  If there is a     

     pro-confidence vote by the majority of those voting than no

     additional voting will be necessary.

     3. The Federation and Regions shall provide centralized

     policy coordination and decentralized implementation.

     4. The language of the Federation shall be English but the

     Federation has no right to impose any language requirements

     on the Nation-States.

     5. Cities shall be set aside for felons.  The criminals

     shall be required to reside and maintain themselves within

     the city limits.

     6. The fourth Thursday of every November is declared Trans-

     Cultural Day and shall be observed throughout the world. 


     1. This Constitution, and the laws of the Federation which 

     shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all international

     agreements made, or which shall be made, under the authority

     of the Federation, shall be the final law of the world; and

     the judges in the Federation and every Region and every

     member Nation-State shall be bound thereby, anything in the

     Constitution or laws of any Region or member Nation-States

     to the contrary notwithstanding.


     1. All officers of the Federation shall be bound by oath or 

     affirmation to support this Constitution, but no

     discriminatory test other than as described herein shall

     ever be required as a qualification for any office or public

     trust under the Federation.



     1. Each member of the House of Representatives shall be at 

     least 25 years of age and a member of the represented Region

     for at least 10 years and a member of the represented

     Nation-State for at least 5 years.  The members shall be

     chosen every fourth year by the Nation-State at the time,

     place, and in a manner determined by the Nation-State but

     the respective House of Representatives may make or alter

     such regulations.  They shall be divided immediately after

     being assembled into two classes so that one-half may be

     chosen every second year.  Each Representative shall have a

     vote which represents the population of the respective

     district that did not vote directly.  The terms of members

     of the House of Representatives shall end at noon on the

     third day of January, of the year in which such terms have

     ended, and their successors shall begin.


     1. Representatives shall be apportioned among the Nation-

     States according to their respective number based on the

     last census, or if there is no census, based on the best

     estimate by the Senate until the next ten year period when a

     worldwide census shall be required.  Each Nation-State with

     a population of less than two million people shall have one

     representative in the House of Representatives of the

     respective Region.  Otherwise, the number of representatives

     shall not exceed one for every two million people.



     1. The Vice President of the Region shall be President of

     the respective House of Representatives, but shall have no

     vote, unless they be equally divided.  Each House of Repre-

     sentatives shall choose its own officers, and also a Presi-

     dent pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or

     when the Vice President shall exercise the Office of the




     1. Each House of Representatives shall have the power of

     impeachment of any officers of the respective Region

     including Business Committee members.  The Senate shall have

     the power to try all such impeachments.  When sitting for

     that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation.  When

     the President of a Region is tried, the respective Chief of

     Justice of that Region shall preside.  No person shall be   

     convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the      

     members present.

     2. Judgement in cases of impeachment shall not extend beyond

     removal from office.  The party convicted shall nevertheless

     be liable and subject to indictment, trial, and judgement

     according to the law and ethics of the respective Region.



     1. Each member of the Senate shall be at least 30 years of 

     age and a member of the represented Region for at least 10

     years.  The members shall be chosen every sixth year by the

     Nation-States at a time, place, and in a manner determined

     by the Nations-States, but the Senate may make or alter such

     regulations.  They shall be divided immediately after being

     assembled into three classes so that one-third may be chosen

     every second year.  Each Senator shall have a vote which

     represents the population of the respective district that

     did not vote directly.  The terms of members of the Senate

     shall end at noon on the third day of January of the year in

     which such terms have ended, and their successors shall



     1. The Senate shall be composed of twenty Senators from each

     Region.  Not more than two Federation Senators shall be from

     any one Nation-State.  


     1. The Vice President of the Federation shall be President 

     of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be

     equally divided.  The Senate shall choose its own officers,

     and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice

     President, or when the Vice President shall exercise the

     office of the President.


     1. The Senate shall have the power of impeachment of any

     Federation officers including Federation Business Committee

     members, and the combined Houses of Representatives of all

     Regions shall jointly have the power to try all such

     impeachments.  When sitting for that purpose, they shall be

     on oath or affirmation.  When the President of the

     Federation is tried, the Chief of Justice of the Federation

     shall preside.  No person shall be convicted without the

     concurrence of two-thirds of the members present.

     2. Judgement in cases of impeachment shall not extend beyond

     removal from office.  The party convicted shall nevertheless

     be liable and subject to indictment, trial, and judgement

     according to the Federation's laws and ethics.



     1. Each member of the Business Committee shall be at least

     25 years of age and a member of the represented Region for

     at least 7 years.  The members shall be chosen every second

     year by a vote among the largest one thousand Transnational

     Corporations in each Region at a time, place, and in a      

     manner determined by the Nation-State, but the respective   

     House of Congress may make or alter such regulations.       

     Transnational Corporations are Corporations with one or more

     offices or plants in more than one region.  The Transnation-

     al Corporation shall have one vote for a Federation Member  

     and one vote for each seat of the Business Committee in the

     Region where the Corporation's greatest assets are located. 

     Each Business Committee Member shall have one vote in the   

     Committee.  The terms of members of the Business Committee  

     shall end at noon on the third day of January of the year in

     which such terms have ended, and their successors shall     



     1. The Business Committee of the Federation shall be

     composed of one member from each region and the number of

     members of the Business Committee of each Region shall be

     equal to five percent of the nearest odd number of members

     of the House of Representatives of the respective Region.


     1. The Business Committee shall choose their Speaker and

     other officers.




     1. Each Congressional member of the Federation and Region 

     shall be provided with telecommunications equipment that

     provides voice, video, and data capabilities.  All govern-

     ment communication numbers shall be made available to all

     members of Congress.  This shall be the primary means of

     holding meetings.  Members shall be required to meet at

     least monthly.


     1. Each House of Congress and Business Committee shall be

     responsible for determining the rules of its proceedings

     and judging elections.  A majority of each House of Congress

     and Business Committee shall constitute a quorum.  The time

     and agenda of meetings shall be made available to all

     members in advance.

     2. Each House of Congress and Business Committee shall keep

     a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish

     the same but at least every six months, excepting such parts

     as may be required for security and then never exceeding two

     years.  The yeas and nays of the members of Congress on any

     question shall be entered in the Journal.


     1. Members of Congress of the Federation and Regions shall

     receive a compensation for their services to be ascertained

     by law and paid out of the Treasury of the Federation or

     Region respectively.  No member shall be granted a raise

     until at least one re-election to office.  They shall in all

     cases except treason and felony be privileged from arrest.

     2. No member of Congress of the Federation or Regions shall

     hold any other office or employment.

     D. LAW    

     1. How Federation and Regional bills become law.  All bills

     of the Federation and Regions shall originate in the

     respective House of Congress.  The bill shall be presented

     to the Business Committee of the Federation or respective

     Region who shall have two weeks to propose amendments prior

     to the bill being submitted to the respective House of      

     Congress.  Every bill which shall have passed the Senate or

     the respective House of Representatives by a majority vote 

     of all citizens which is determined by permitting each

     citizen to vote directly or by proxy through their

     respective representative, before it becomes law, requires

     signed approval by the President of the Federation or the

     respective Region, the head of the Business Committee of the

     Federation or respective Region representing the majority of

     the Business Committee, and shall receive no written

     objections from the House of Representatives of any Region

     for a Federation bill or from the Senate for a Regional

     bill, a vote by such House of Congress not being required.

        If the President of the Federation or respective Region

     does not approve, they shall return it to the Senate or

     respective House of Representatives with their objections,

     who shall proceed to reconsider it.  If after such reconsid-

     eration, two thirds of the Senate or respective House of

     Representatives shall agree to pass the bill, it shall

     become law.  If any bill shall not be returned by the       

     President within two weeks after it has been presented to   

     them, it shall be in like manner as if they had signed it.

        If a majority of the Business Committee of the Federation

     or respective Region does not approve, they shall return it

     to the Senate or respective House of Representatives with

     their objections, who, with the Business Committee shall

     proceed to reconsider it.  If after such reconsideration, a

     majority of the Senate or respective House of Representa-

     tives combined with the Business Committee where each member

     has a vote equal to the average number of votes for the

     respective respresenatives, shall agree to pass the bill, it

     shall become law.  If any bill shall not be returned by the

     Business Committee within two weeks after it has been       

     presented to them, it shall be in like manner as if they had

     signed it.

        If a majority of the House of Representatives of any

     Region chooses to vote on a Federation bill or a majority

     of the Senate of the Federation chooses to vote on a

     Regional bill and does not approve it by a majority vote,

     they shall return it to the House of Congress that

     originated the bill with their objections, who shall proceed

     to reconsider it.  If after such reconsideration, two thirds

     of the House of Congress that originated the bill shall

     agree to pass the bill, it shall become law.  If any bill

     shall not be returned by the House of Representatives of any

     Region or by the Senate within two weeks after it has been

     presented to them, it shall be in like manner as if they had

     signed it.

        Each law enacted shall have a limit on its duration not

     to exceed thirty years.  The law may be reinstated before it

     expires after appropriate review.  All court decisions

     related to any reinstated law remain applicable.     

     2. Inferior Courts.  The Senate for the Federation and the

     House of Representatives for the respective Region shall    

     have the responsibility to constitute tribunals inferior to

     the Supreme Court including traveling and resident


     3. Supreme Court Balance.  A general citizen vote of the

     Federation or respective Region on any respective Federation

     or Regional Supreme Court decision shall be called whenever

     two-thirds of the respective House of Congress deem it



     4. Method of Constitutional Amendment.  Two-thirds of any

     House of Congress or two-thirds of the Nation-States shall,

     when deemed necessary, propose amendments to this

     Constitution which shall be valid, to all intents and

     purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by

     three-fourths of the respective member Nation-States, or by

     conventions in three-fourths of the respective member

     Nation-States.  No member Nation-State, without its consent,

     shall be deprived of its equal suffrage.

     5. Jurisdiction.  The Congresses of the Federation and 

     Regions shall have the power to make all laws which shall be

     necessary and proper for carrying into execution the

     foregoing powers, and shall have all other powers vested by

     this Constitution in the government of the Federation,

     Region, or in any department or officer thereof.



     1. The Congress of the Federation shall have the power to 

     make all needful rules and regulations respecting the

     territory or other property belonging to the Federation.

     2. The Congresses of the Regions shall have the power to

     make all needful rules and regulations respecting the

     territory or other property belonging to the respective


     3. The Congress of the Federation shall have the power to

     make all needful rules and regulations respecting relations

     with non-Federation Nation-States, international

     territories, space, and other celestial bodies.



     1. The President of the Federation and each Region shall be

     provided with telecommunications equipment that provides

     voice, video, and data capabilities.  All government

     communication numbers shall be made available to each



     1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the

     Federation and in a President of each Region.  Each

     President shall be at least thirty-five years of age.  The

     President jointly with the Vice President shall be chosen

     every four years by receiving the largest number of votes in

     the applicable jurisdiction in a general election.  If at

     the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the

     President, the President elect shall have died or become

     incapacitated, the Vice President elect shall become

     President.  No person shall be elected to the Office of the

     President more than twice.  The term of the President

     together with the Vice President shall end at noon on the

     twentieth of January of the year in which such terms have

     ended, and their successors shall begin.


     1. The Senate may determine the day of choosing the

     electors, which day shall be the same throughout the        



     1. In case of the removal of the President from office or

     their death or resignation, the Vice President shall become


     2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice

     President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who

     shall take office upon confirmation by a majority of the

     respective House of Congress. 

     3. Whenever any President or the respective Vice President

     and a majority of either the respective principal officers

     of that executive department or of such other body as the

     respective House of Congress may by law provide, transmits

     to the President pro tempore of the respective House of

     Congress a written declaration that the respective President

     is unable to discharge the powers and duties of office, such

     power and duties shall be discharged by the respective Vice

     President as Acting President, until the respective

     President and a majority of either the respective principal

     officers of the executive department or of such other body

     as the respective House of Congress may by law provide,

     transmit to them a written declaration to the contrary. 


     1. The Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Federation and 

     Regions shall receive a compensation for their service, to

     be ascertained by law and paid out of the Treasury of the

     Federation or Region respectively.  They shall in all cases

     except treason and felony, be privileged from arrest.


     2. Neither the President or Vice President of the Federation

     or Regions shall hold any other office or employment. 


     1. The Presidents of the Federation and Regions, before 

     executing the Office of the President, shall take the

     following oath or affirmation:-"I do solemnly swear (or

     affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of

     President of the Federation (Region) and will to the best of

     my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of

     the World."


     1. Military Power.  The President of the Federation shall be

     commander-in-chief of the armed services of the Federation

     and the militia of the Regions and Nation-States when called

     into actual service of the Federation.  The Regional

     Presidents or Chief Executives of the Nation-States may

     request military assistance from the President of the

     Federation who has the option of providing this assistance. 

     The President of the Federation must within three days

     request the Senate to affirm the decision.  A two-thirds

     majority vote by the Senate within three days of the

     presentation of the issue shall be necessary to override the

     decision of the President.  The Chief Executive of a Nation-

     State may request military assistance from the President of

     the Region who has the option of providing this assistance. 

     The President of the Region must within three days request

     the respective House of Representatives to affirm the

     decision.  A two-thirds majority vote by the respective

     House of Representatives within three days of the

     presentation of the issue shall be necessary to override the

     decision of the President.


     2. Cabinet.  The Presidents of the Federation and Regions   

     may each convene principal officers in each of the executive

     departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of

     their respective offices.

     3. Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons.  The Presidents of 

     the Federation and Regions shall have power to grant

     reprieves and pardons for offenses against the Federation or

     Regions respectively, except in cases of impeachment.

     4. Treaties, Appointments.  The Presidents of the Federation

     and Regions shall have power, by and with the advice and

     consent of two-thirds of the respective Congress, to make


     The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall nominate,

     and by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the

     respective House of Congress, shall appoint judges of the

     Supreme Court.

     The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall nominate,

     and by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the

     respective House of Congress, shall appoint ambassadors,    

     other public ministers and consuls, and all other officers

     of the Federation or Regions respectively, whose appoint-

     ments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall

     be established by law, but the respective Congress may by

     law vest the appointment of such other officers as they

     think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law,

     or in the heads of departments.


     1. The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall from 

     time to time give to the respective Congress information of

     the state of the respective Federation or Regions and

     recommend for the respective Congressional consideration

     such measures as they shall judge necessary and expedient. 

     The Presidents of the Federation and Regions may, on

     extraordinary occasions, convene the respective Congress,

     and in case of disagreement, the time of adjournment.

     2. The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall

     receive ambassadors and other public ministers.

     3. The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall take 

     care that the laws be faithfully executed.

     4. The Presidents of the Federation and Regions shall

     commission all officers of the respective Federation or




     1. The Presidents, Vice Presidents and all civil officers 

     of the Federation or Regions shall be removed from office on

     impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery or other

     high crimes.




     1. Each judge and mediator shall be provided with

     telecommunications equipment that provides voice, video, and

     data capabilities.  All government communication numbers

     shall be made available to each judge and mediator.


     1. The Supreme Court shall function as a socially

     responsible body and decisions shall be in the context of

     law and society.

     2. The judicial power of the Federation and Regions shall be

     vested in a Supreme Court for the Federation and a Supreme

     Court for each of the Regions and in inferior courts

     including traveling and resident mediators.  Each Supreme

     Court justice shall be at least thirty-five years of age and

     the judges of the Supreme Court and inferior courts shall

     hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at

     stated times receive a compensation for their service, to

     which shall not be diminished during their continuance in

     office.  The compensation shall be ascertained by law and

     paid out of the Treasury of the Federation or Region

     respectively.  They shall in all cases except treason and

     felony be privileged from arrest.

     3. No Federation or Regional judge shall hold any other

     office or employment. 


     1. Federation Courts in General.  The judicial power of the

     Federation Courts shall extend to all cases in law and

     equity, arising under this constitution, the laws of the

     Federation and treaties made or which shall be made under

     their authority or between Regions; to all Federation       

     ministers and consuls; to all cases affecting Federation or

     international territory or space; to all cases involving    

     Federation defense personnel; to controversies to which the

     Federation shall be a party; to controversies involving two

     or more Regions; between citizens of different Regions.

     2. Regional Courts in General.  The judicial power of the

     Regional Courts shall extend to all cases in law and equity,

     arising under this constitution, the laws of the Region and

     treaties made or which shall be made under their authority;

     to all Regional ministers and consuls; to controversies to

     which a sole Regional Government shall be a party; to

     controversies between two or more Nation-States within one

     Region; between citizens of different Nation-States within

     one Region.

     3. Federation Supreme Court.  In all cases affecting

     Federation ambassadors, other Federation ministers and

     consuls, and those in which a Region shall be a party, the

     Federation Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. 

     In all other cases, the Federation Supreme Court shall have

     appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such

     exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress of

     the Federation shall make. 

     4. Regional Supreme Court.  In all cases affecting Regional 

     ambassadors, other Regional ministers and consuls, and those

     in which Nation-States within one Region shall be a party,

     the Regional Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. 

     In all other cases, the Regional Supreme Court shall have

     appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such

     exceptions, and under such regulations as the Regional

     Congress shall make and not in violation with the law of the


     5. Rules Respecting Trials.  The trial of all crimes, except

     in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; the trial shall

     be at such place or places as determined by the respective

     Congress.  No attainder shall work against subsequent

     generations of criminals.

     6. Treason.  Treason against the Federation shall consist 

     only in levying war against the Federation, Regions, or

     member Nation-States, or in adhering to the enemies of the

     Federation, Regions, or member Nation-States.  No person

     shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two

     witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in front

     of at least two witnesses.  The Senate shall have the power

     to declare the punishment of treason. 



Law sets the minimum standard for society; people need to set the

highest standard.  Use Discipline, Respect, Humility, and

Appreciation and continue to evolve to achieve Spirituality,

Wisdom, Knowledge, Courage, and Strength, to gain the power,

healing, blessing and transformation, to Live in Truth, in

Justice, and in Righteousness.

                                   Martin Alpert

                                   March 20, 1995


This is meant to be a living document.  Please send any

recommendations for improvement, implementation, or other help

you may have to: Marty Alpert, 180 Basswood Lane, Cleveland, Ohio