Network for World Citizen

Staff and Web Master: Toshio Suzuki
1-158 Nakakanasugi, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, 270-0007, Japan

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World Citizen Network is a network for individuals and organizations that support the establishment of the World Parliament and the World Federation. Policy of World Party must be said to be extreme in a sense. But, in the World Citizen Network, many things are moderated and the process to establish the World Parliament and the World Federation is not specified definitely. The process can be to establish the World Parliament outside the system of United Nations or to establish the World Parliament by evolving the United Nations. Now, we are expecting people to join us. And, in the next stage, World Citizen Network may become a new political party for the World Parliament and the World Federation or become a NGO of World Citizen. The progress of this movement depends on the discussion among participants. Any individual or organization interested in this movement are requested to contact us. Member are shown in the Member List. At present, headquarters and president of Network have not been decided yet. World Citizen Network is cooperating with following two organizations.

World Government Institute

World Party

World Government Institute is an institute to establish the World Government and World Party is an international party to establish the World Government. World Government Institute is so to speak a discussion section of the world government movement. On the other hand, World Party is an action section. For the exchange of information and opinion, please use World Government Institute Forum or World Party Forum.

World Citizen Network Convention
Mahatma Gandhi Initiative

History of World Citizen Network

(C) Copyright, World Citizen Network, 1998
All rights are reserved

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